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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

8th Grade Student Contact Information Link and Copy of Parent Letter

Click Here for 8th Grade Student Contact Information Link

Thank you for helping us keep current with your information for Next School Year!!

PARENT LETTER: Sent out in Report Cards
Greetings Parents and New 8th Grade Students,

We are so excited to get to know you better, as well as, challenge your student/you with many new concepts. Please do not get discouraged or give up!

In 8th Grade your child will be learning and held responsible for:
·      Transformations, congruence, and similarity
·      Exponents, Scientific notation, and Rational numbers
·      Irrational numbers and the Pythagorean Theorem
·      Functions represented as Equations, Graphs, and Tables
·      Writing, Graphing, and Solving Equations/Multi-Step Equations

To accomplish these things, we will be investigating the concepts, working on skills to help us solve problems, creating projects to show understanding, and assessing to make sure students can reach their potential.

In order for your child to be prepared for class each day they will need to have:

·      Composition book
·      Loose leaf lined / graph paper
·      Pencils (All work and assignments must be done in pencil)
·      Colored pen (Anything besides black for grading)
·      Dry Erase Marker and sock
·      Markers &/or Colored Pencils (your choice)
·      Scissors
·      Glue Stick
·      Calculator

Students will be doing projects both in the classroom and at home so we ask that they keep the supplies with them to do the projects in either place.
Please label all supplies to avoid confusion.

Feel free to fill out your contact information early by going to the link below and if any of your information changes throughout the year please feel free to fill it out again so that the teachers have the most up to date way to communicate with you.
Students will be working on a basic skills test and an algebra readiness test so that we can understand what you know coming into our class. You may take either as many times as you would like. No calculators on the basic skills test!
Please go to www.ThatcherMathCafe.Blogspot.com and follow the links provided.
This assignment will be worth a grade based on whether it is complete before the first day of school not based on what “grade” you received.

Your New Math Teachers,

Dana Lakins and Lauren Thatcher

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Need help with your HW this week ...Watch these awesome videos on Learnzillion.com

Click HereTo watch videos on finding the distance on a coordinate plane using pythagorean theorem and perimeter

To watch a video on finding perimeter of a shape on a coordinate plane type in the code below into the search bar.


To watch a video on finding distance using the pythagorean theorem type in the code below into the search bar.
